Monday 19 January 2015

Campaign Update

This Saturday the campaign held its first meeting at the Mechanics Institute in Manchester.

Over 20 branches were in attendance.

The meeting was chaired by Annette Wright from Manchester and Salford branch and introduced by John Moloney from DfT London and South East. John spoke for 10 minutes giving a background to the reasons for the campaign.

After much discussion and debate the meeting voted to endorse the following positions:

• To endorse the statement on this blog and continue to encourage branches to debate and pass it.
• To endorse the statement initiated by those NEC members who voted against the decision.
• To use our union’s structures to overturn this decision and to refuse - on a matter of principle – to use the certification officer or the law and encourage others to behave in the same way.
• To write a crib sheet of FAQ’s about the NEC decision, including alternatives to the suspension of elections.
• To establish a web discussion forum so branches and activists can keep in touch and share information in the period between now and the end of AGM season.
• To publisise this model motion for branches to submit to this year’s Annual conference through AGM’s
• That a group of 5 activists from the North-West would act as a temporary secretariat for the campaign.

We continue to encourage branches to support the statement to get involved. Please contact using the box to the right to be added to our email list.

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